Saturday 1 January 2011

TV 2011

Happy New Year! And let's hope it's a good year for TV. January was traditionally the time when the American seasons would start on British screens - having started in September in America - meaning that we'd have twenty two (or four or six or however many!) weeks of uninterrupted brilliance; the American finale would generally air in America less than a week before we got to have it. It was a good system but fear of downloading has made our channels show many a programme much nearer its transmission date which means that we suffer the hiatuses and breaks of America.

Which means that we're all ready half way through season 7 of Desperate Housewives, have seen a similar chuck of season 7 of House, are poised ready for more The Middle and Modern Family (Sky One are huge fans of copying the American way of doing things and will just show repeats if there's not a new episode! Annoying!), I feel like I've barely had a chance to get into this season (four) of Chuck before the break.

How I Met Your Mother Season 6 began last week (a bit early but hopefully it'll have no missed weeks!). But January, though not the month it once was for TV, still has a lot of excitment:

Glee (Season 2) begins on Monday 10th January! I love Glee and am eager for more. I'm especially excited about the Rocky Horror episode they did for Halloween.

True Blood (Season 3) starts on Friday 14th January. I'm really excited about this too. I've heard some brilliant things from my LA best friend. And FX needs something to fill its Friday night slot now that Walking Dead has finished. Ooh, I hope it comes back before long. It's absolutely amazing.

And finally Grey's Anatomy Season 7 begins this Wednesday! I can't wait! Their finale was one of the best I'd ever seen: painful, heartbreaking and terrifying to watch. A crazed gunman killed a fair amount of the characters; many more were shot. It was amazing. So I'm really looking forward to another wonderful season of intense drama.

Happy watching!

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