Monday 17 January 2011

Charlie's Comedians - B - Bishop, John

Hmm, I think that if I'd been writing this entry when I'd seen John do about ten/fifteen minutes at the 2009 Award Show (nominees: the amazing Jon Richardson, Idiots of Ants, Russell Kane and Bishop; winner: bloody lovely Tim Key) I'd have been very positive. I like John's comedy - he's good. But now he's everywhere! And he's not good enough to be everywhere! I think he said something on some panel show or other that sounded really gross/sexist about someone being 'fingered'. I can't remember remember what the details were but something definitely annoyed me at some point.

I don't think I'd go out of my way to see him now. Perversely, I might have done if he had just a tiny bit less publicity.

I did love him in Skins though; indeed all of the Fitch family were marvellous. And just in case you've never seen him on one of the millions of programmes he's on (including his own! His own! He's not really good enough for that, is he?) he looks like this:

I'm worried I may have been too mean. However, I'm also worried that I'm too nice about the majority of these comedians. Then again, I'm only writing about people I've seen live and I don't go and see people I don't like - so I won't be writing about Frankie Boyle (not here, not now - I do hate him though!).

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