Monday 31 January 2011

Charlie's Comedians - B - Burns, Brendon Burns

Fuck you, I'm Brendon fucking Burns! I almost feel like I should write this entry in capitals. But no, there is a softer, sweeter side to Brendon. And he's one of the nicest comedians I've ever actually met.

But to begin at the beginning - I first saw Brendon Burns in 2007 - not as part of a show, really. I was watching The Early Edition in a big purple cow in Edinburgh when Brendon wandered on to the stage - it was the day after he'd won the big award and he was deliriously happy. I didn't know him, sort of knew of him (I think!) but was so happy because his mood was just infectious. He hadn't been to bed and was on the phone to his mum. It was honestly so lovely.

Then we saw the show that followed his winning show the year after. It was called Fuck You I'm Brendon Fucking Burns Part VI (Again) and the most memorable line was "to death?!" I liked Brendon but Richard absolutely loved him - I think it was his favourite Fringe 2008 show!!

On New Year's Eve 2008 Richard and I watched Tim Minchin's So Fucking Rock and the show that won Burns the award, So THIS is offensive now? It was a night of wonderfully funny Australians and was one of the best New Years I've ever ever had! STION was absolutely awe-inspiring in a way that is hard to describe without entirely spoiling the show - I'd never seen a comedy show with a twist like that; it wasn't just funny, it was really really smart. Absolutely brilliant!

Last year we saw Y'Know Love n God n Metaphysics n Shit which made me cry. It was clever, silly, touching, mad and had Dave Eastgate on the guitar. And Bright Eyes playing at the end of the show. But I won't say which song or why.

I'd say Brendon Burns would be in the top five of comedians I've met (in terms of being nice to meet) - he's such a lovely man! He's hot too! I'll always go and see him though he's probably not in my top ten. Love him, though!!

Ooh, lovely!

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