Tuesday 7 December 2010

Charlie's Comedian's - A - Anderson, Wil

I've seen Wil Anderson only once and that was just for a mini spot (twenty minutes at most) in the Stand, Edinburgh (beloved place). I can't find pictures of him looking exactly how he did that night but he honestly looked like a T-Bird (leather jacket, cool Danny Zucko hair, gorgeous). He was funny too. And I will have to see him again when he returns to Britain (he didn't do Edinburgh this year).

I've been searching youtube to try to remember why I liked him so much and the main stuff I've found is very Australian (jokes about politicians, biscuits, TV channels and sports people I'm unfamilar with) but I do remember him being on a Guardian Podcast (in the wonderful days where Miles Jupp hosted them every week day of the Fringe) and talking about how his best friend had died and that was what his show was about. Okay, I've found the podcast so I can have another listen! I know I'm not up to the Js but I do love adore Miles!!

Actually, all of the podcasts are well worth a listen and if you go to the Guardian website there's a picture of us enjoying one live:


Oh, right, yes, I remember now why I liked him! Also, he seems to have hosted a marriage equality rally. How lovely. He said: “I’m assuming that thanks to my involvement, gay marriage will instantly be made legal and there’ll be no discrimination against homosexuals from that day forth.” Brilliant, sexy and liberal - and here's a picture:


  1. OMG, it's so cool that your picture is on the guardian website next to a podcast!! This is entirely newsworthy, I'm not sure why I didn't know about it.

    In other more boring/logistical news - I tried to subscribe to these, and apparently the settings say I'll receive news/notifications from your blog, but I've yet to be told when you've updated. Are there any settings on your end to send out automated emails or anything like that?

  2. Aw, yeah, one of the many things that happened when you were in London (I know we're always saying there's more to catch up on!)

    I'll check about settings - I'm not sure but I'm trying to do more :)
